
CMS.614 - Critical Internet Studies


An undergraduate seminar focusing on the power dynamics in internet-related technologies and digital cultures. The course explores timely topics (e.g., memes, misinformation, social media and power, algorithmic bias, tech and social justice, and more) across media and from critical, transnational, and diverse methodological perspectives.


CMS.361 Networked Social Movements


Looking at examples from some of the largest activist movements from the past decade, this course examines the relationship between the internet and social movements. It focuses on the role that memes, music, video, and feelings play in organizing online.


CMS.701 - Current Debates in Media Studies


An upper level undergraduate or master's seminar that addresses important, current conflicts over the nature and use of contemporary media. In my iteration of the course, we pay special attention to the power dynamics imbricated in debates around internet culture and new media technology.


COMM400 - Studying Internet Culture


An upper level undergraduate seminar I designed to develop students’ critical analysis skills on different formats of Internet culture and the platforms where they circulate.


COMM204 - Public Speaking


A course on the foundations of public speaking, viewed here as an everyday practice involving the voice, body, and mind. The course is divided into units exploring the different aspects of public speaking (content, voice, body, senses, and audience), aiming to strengthen student’s verbal and nonverbal public communication skills, as well as their analyzing and critiquing skills.

*Note: this course went online on session 14, the syllabus below is the original version. If you're interested in seeing the changes, feel free to contact me


Internet, Culture, and Power


A syllabus I created during my qualifying exams which covers the concept of Participatory Culture, its change over time, and how it has been applied in Communication and Media Studies in different contexts around the world.
